I-HELP Sunnyslope
Community Resource Partners
The Phoenix area has so many valuable community resources that have joined to support I-HELP Sunnyslope. These partners include:
Arizona@Work Employment Services (DES and City of Phoenix)
Basic Mission Street Outreach
Brian Garcia Welcome Center (CASS) for Coordinated Entry for Housing and Other Services
Catholic Charities Community Services
Circle the City Healthcare for the Homeless
City of Phoenix
- Family Services Center
- Police Department
- Human Services Department
Department of Economic Security
Family Service Agency
Honor Health/Desert Mission/NOAH
House of Refuge, Hope, and Promise Transitional Living
Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care (Behavioral Health and Addictions)
Phoenix Rescue Mission (Hope Coach Outreach)
St. Joseph the Worker Employment Services
St. Vincent de Paul
- Dining Room on Hatcher
- Ozanam Manor
- Bridges Out of Poverty Initiative
Salvation Army
Southwest Behavioral Health Street Outreach
Valley of the Sun United Way
Being able to connect individuals to the right person within a community resource makes all the difference in turning their situation from hopeless to hopeful.
If you are interested in becoming a Community Resource Partner for I-HELP Sunnyslope please click here for more information.