Building the Sunnyslope Community Faith Based Collaborative

You’ve read my blogs before that state how ‘collaboration’ is in the DNA of IMPACT Phoenix.  When we formed the Sunnyslope Collaborative to respond to the community’s request to assist their efforts in ending homelessness in Sunnyslope, we began to plan the launch of I-HELP Sunnyslope from the “faith community out”.  (See previous blog for…

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Bridges Out of Poverty Initiative

In late April I met a wonderful person, Danielle,  who coordinates the Bridges Out of Poverty initiative here in Phoenix, through St. Vincent de Paul.  Danielle is holding an Understanding Poverty workshop on Friday, June 23rd that I’d encourage anyone who serves individuals in poverty to attend.  Here’s the event invite link: From St. Vincent de Paul’s…

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Sunnyslope Community Faith Based Collaborative I-HELP Initiative

I was invited by Councilwoman Stark of District 3 of Phoenix to comment, at the City’s budget hearing on April 20th, on the 2017-18 City budget as it relates to providing monies for initiatives that assist individuals experiencing homelessness.  The City has budgeted to increase outreach services to those living on the street and the I-HELP…

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Did I Say Collaboration?

I’ve blogged before (January 16, 2016) about the value of collaborative efforts in person and community transformation. At the risk of being repetitive, I write about collaboration again today because I continue to see its value play out in my interactions with individuals and families in crisis. Problems and challenges within a person’s life are rarely…

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Technology Supported Coordination and Collaboration

Some readers of this blog will know that I recently returned from the Minneapolis area after caring for my sister who became seriously ill shortly before Christmas (hence the gap in adding to my blog postings).  Coming from a healthcare background, I was impressed how today’s electronic health record technology allowed each of the 5 physician…

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